Each INSPIRE planning process begins once the Board of School Commissioners has formally approved the feasibility study that depicts the preferred school design option. At that point, the Planning Department works with community members – individuals from the schools and the neighborhoods, business owners, and organizations – to guide the INSPIRE process. Throughout the process we LISTEN, CREATE, and DELIVER.

The LISTEN phase is focused on gathering information

Listen Community stakeholders, Planning Department staff, and other city agency staff    examine existing conditions around the school. They identify strengths, weaknesses,  and opportunities that will inform the INSPIRE plans. Information will be gathered through reviewing existing plans, neighborhood history, and demographic profiles; and by conducting walking tours, surveys, workshops, and focus groups. Together we will also identify priorities for the neighborhood.

The CREATE phase is focused on drafting and reviewing recommendations

CreateBased on stakeholder input, Planning Department staff will draft recommendations that will be the cornerstone of the final INSPIRE plans. Relevant City agency representatives (such as Transportation or Housing) will work with Planning Department staff to identify where coordinated activity can help implement the recommendations. Draft recommendations will be shared with the community stakeholders, and will be revised and prioritized according to feedback.

The DELIVER phase is focused on writing and reviewing the plan

DeliverBuilding on the LISTEN and CREATE phase, Planning Department staff will write the plan – including implementation timelines – and share it with the community. After the plan is reviewed and finalized, it will be submitted to the Planning Commission for adoption.

Implementation of the plan will begin immediately, and will continue through school openings and beyond. Read more about plan implementation.

Process Timeline

The Department of Planning works with community members to guide the INSPIRE process. 

INSPIRE Process Chart


INSPIRE plans will identify short- and long-term recommendations – recommendations that build those that improve the areas around the schools before opening day and those that guide future investment in the neighborhood. For the short-term actions, the plans will include timelines to ensure work is completed by opening day of the modernized schools. Implementation of the recommendations fall into four categories:

Partner Commitments

Plans will identify commitments from institutions, businesses, community development corporations, community associations, and other partners to help implement specific plan recommendations.

Agency Operations
Plans will include detailed recommendations for directing and coordinating agency operations, such as re-striping crosswalks, code enforcement, and tree planting.

Priority Areas for Citywide Initiatives
Plans will help prioritize citywide initiatives, such as Safe Routes to School and blight elimination.

Capital Projects
To help ensure the success of INSPIRE, General Obligation Bonds are available to begin to implement projects and priorities.