Fort Worthington Elementary School

The Planning Commission adopted the Fort Worthington Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE Plan on November 17, 2016. Download the Fort Worthington Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE Plan here.

Recommendation Development and Overview
Between September 2014 and March 2015, Department of Planning staff worked with members of the school and neighborhood communities to better understand their neighborhood experiences, concerns, and needs. Through community workshops, surveys, and walking tours, stakeholders have helped inform the recommendations presented here.  Feedback from over 100 residents and stakeholders informed the plan.

To learn more about the plan and how you can be involved in helping implement it, contact Eli Pousson: (410) 396-5173 or, or Imani Jasper: (410) 396-3796 or

Learn more about the planning area:

Fort Worthington opened in SY 2017-2018

Maps and Data

Community Information

Neighborhood Context